What is a consultation like?

The session consists of an introductory interview, where we discuss your topics in an open-hearted environment. This is followed by the energy work where I tune into your energy on your behalf within Sacred Space and do the healing work that is necessary for you. In the end we discuss the process.

Online & distant TCM- and shamanic healing

If you book for session, I ask you to send a recent photo of your face and tongue. These are means to understand the language of the body and to determine which energy flows can be supported in you.

During the session I combine my experience with oriental medicine with other skills, such as shamanic energy medicine. You experience this as a visualization and it gives:

  • balance and healing of aura, chakras, meridians and acupoints;
  • an even better picture of your energy pattern;
  • insight into how you can connect even better with your life energy;
  • a new perspective on your life;

It may include

  • A scan and healing of your meridians and acupressurepoints.
  • Illumination - clearing of imprints from the energy field.
  • Extraction - extracting foreign energy from your energy field.
  • Soul Retrieval - retrieve lost soul parts. This can be done at the earliest during the third appointment. Preparatory work and sufficient balance is necessary to integrate the Soul Parts.
  • Destiny retrieval - retrieving information about your life purpose. This can take place at the earliest on the fourth appointment. There must be sufficient balance to be able to anchor your highest purpose in your energy field.
  • Divination - using oracle cards and the connection with Spirit Animals to find your destiny.

Allowing the energy to flow

After each consultation you will receive a summary with my recommendations on Do-In, acupressure, nutrition and lifestyle. I base my nutritional advice on insights from Eastern medicine, Taoist teachings and modern knowledge (including the Grow a New Body program). It includes guidelines in the field of nutrition and supplements that make balance in body and mind possible.

The report can be further elaborated upon request to:

  • A personal Do-In series, a video shared via a link;
  • Energy Forecast: explanation of your astrology, your process and the fluctuations in your energy level in the coming twelve months. This way you know which months you will shine, which are the best weeks to study and when you can best reserve time to recharge. (Based on Nine star ki and Tarot);
  • Advice for Schuessler cell salts;
  • Advice for use of essential oils;
  • Advice for using Bach flowers.

In the successive sessions - preferably with at least a month in between - we will go further and deeper, we can remove more and more old energy and triggers, retrieve soul parts and work on your healing.

I prefer to follow a year wheel with clients in the form of a year coaching.


Please mail Lilian to book a consultation: lilian@liliankluivers.nl.

The following rates apply to sessions.

  • Consultation/healing/individual class incl. report and audio recording, 1,5h €149
  • Year coaching: Consisting of 4 consultations (one consultation every 3 months), 4 check-ups of 20 minutes (zoom or e-mail) €700
    Custom made Do-In secquence on video following a session: €75
    Energy Forecast based on your astrology following a session: €75, booked without a session: €149
    Advice for use of essential oils following a session: no extra costs. Please indicate your request during the consultation.
    Advice for Bach Flower essences following a session: no extra costs. Please indicate your request during the consultation.
    Advice for Schuessler Cell Salts following a session: no extra costs. Please indicate your request during the consultation

Payments are in advance of the sessions.
Please email me to schedule your session: lilian@liliankluivers.nl

I am very happy with Lilian's healings, I was able to land very well and be heard by her. Lilian has extensive knowledge in the field of shamanism, spirituality and also oriental medicine. She brought me into contact with my subconscious in a gentle way, through illuminations, soul retrievals and extractions. So that I could find my way more easily and get myself back on track. The destiny retrieval gave me a good guideline for looking at my future and taking steps. We worked remotely, and yet it was clearly tangible and palpable what Lilian's healings meant for me to get flow in stagnation again. In gratitude.

Ann Torfs

I was allowed to receive powerful, healing sessions from Lilian. During the Soul Retrieval, an advanced shamanic technique, I regained the feeling of safety within myself. Although we worked remotely, her work was clearly noticeable. I felt my legs firmly planted on the ground, I felt my chakras spinning and in the days that followed I related differently to situations that were previously challenging for me. As if I had let go of something and put on new glasses. I am extremely grateful for these sessions with Lilian!

Eveline Kreuk, House of Alchemy

"After the four sessions of the Year-Coaching, I clearly have more energy. Both the shamanic readings, which helped me to tackle unconscious patterns, and the practical tips for acupressure, nutrition and Do-In have absolutely helped me further. It's bizarre how deeply this combination works!"


"Remarkable how much information emerges from an energy reading! That is definitely more than I had hoped for. Also, the document with tips for Do-In, acupressure and the combination with essential oil that you worked out for me after the session is very nice, thank you!"


"I have listened to the recording of the reading many times. It is like a healing meditation that allows me to completely connect to myself again. The connection with my power animals feels very special. The sessions with Lilian helped me through a difficult period of healing."


"I came in shaky and out of balance and left the treatment room feeling firmly grounded and confident. Lilian's combination of shiatsu, oriental medicine and shamanism works very powerfully for me, it offers even more insights during a session."


"It felt like putting me together like a puzzle. Finally, I could move freely again!"
