I received a question from a former student who has had great success with her acupressure workshops. Suddenly she wondered if certain points that regulate the eight extra vessels (qi jing ba mai) are safe. The short answer: absolutely.
The 8 extra channels, often called "miracle meridians" in the Netherlands, are channels that you treat in extraordinary situations. These can be life-changing moments, chronic illnesses, but also particularly beautiful periods such as pregnancy. In my book about pregnancy and Do-In, which is only available in Dutch so far, I have therefore clearly highlighted all the acupuncture points that regulate these vessels. The module on pregnancy that can be followed at Do-In Academy for those who'd like to teach support pregnant women also discusses these points and meridians. The most important vessels during pregnancy are the Conception Vessel - Ren mai - to be regulated with Lung 7, Governing Vessel - Du mai - to be regulated with Small Intestine 3, Throughgoing Vessels - Chong mai - to be regulated with Spleen 4 Girdle Channel - Dai mai - to be regulated with Gallbladder 41
On the pictures from my book on pregnancy you'll see all 8 regulating points.