
Nutritional advice

I like to look at my clients' dietary patterns and how we can optimize them. I combine the age-old Taoist nutritional theory with the most modern insights from Western medicine.

Taoist nutritional theory is a precise system in which you can determine, based on an energy analysis, whether, for example, more heat or more cooling is needed in the system. Sometimes both are necessary. For example, when there is a general lack of energy, or when a meridian or organ is burdened by an excess of yin, waste products and reduced circulation, while another meridian or organ is burdened by yang, heat, burning or dryness. Based on your story, and analysis of your tongue and face, I can help you determine which vegetables and herbs you could eat more and which you should better leave alone. You will also receive advice on preparation methods. Sometimes, for example, it is very useful to cook and blanch more. In other cases, it is advisable to prepare dishes in the oven. I have studied Eastern nutritional science for many years and have taken lessons from Daverick Leggett, among others.

I combine these Taoist recommendations with "Grow a New Body" and "Grow a New Brain". This is the diet developed by Dr. Alberto Villoldo based on the most modern scientific insights. I have followed a training with him in this field. He has written books with these titles that I recommend. This diet is aimed at balancing cell metabolism and rejuvenating and renewing the body. I give you advice for general daily nutrition and supplements. In addition, I will guide you through a detox period if you wish, in which you replenish all deficiencies, your brain and organs recover from damage caused by stress. I personally do the detox four times a year myself and I am sometimes estimated to be 24 years younger than my actual age in years. Villoldo himself recovered completely from major liver damage thanks to this diet and there are many more amazing stories to tell about the power of nutrition.

I find the combination of these two systems ideal. Western nutrition has not yet taken into account the thermal effect of products. For example, during the courses I followed, I was able to help fellow students who suffered from lower back pain or diarrhea because they had started eating very healthily during their Grow a New Body diet, but much too cooling for the climate and the season. I like to prevent this by combining the best of both worlds.