
Acupressure in spring - part 1: Liver 3

What are the best pressure points to massage in spring? What diminishes spring fatigue? And unrest? How do I sleep better? Learn to adapt to the spring energy and radiate like nature does in this season.

Outward movement

When you're sensitive, you feel the energy is rising in spring. You feel like going outside, to feel the sun's rays on your skin. When in balance, you will have plans, ideas for what you want to do and create this year. This active, yang energy stimulates an outward movement, getting in touch with others and gaining new impressions that benefit your personal development.

Tuning in

Acupressure helps your body to tune into the energy of spring. When the energy-flow in the meridians stagnates this results in spring fatigue. Acupressure then helps to get the energy moving again. If you experience unrest because the energy is too active, these acupoints will help to calm down. In this way you help yourself to dose your energy so that you can enjoy your life force all spring long.


In the following blogs I will discuss three acupoints that you can massage yourself, or apply as a Do-In- or Yoga teacher in your classes. They are tsubo's of the meridians of the Liver and Gallbladder, which together belong to the element of Wood; the element of spring, creativity, planning and free flow of energy. When you regularly massage these points, you give yourself and others a (even more) sparkling spring in a very simple way.


A tsubo that lets you know that you are perfect, and there's no need to prove yourself. This acupoint transforms anger and lets the energy flow: Liver 3 spreads the ki.

Physically this tsubo is used to diminish all kinds of pain, such as a headache. Pain is a sign that the energy is obstructed. Massage Liver 3 to diminish tensions, such as tension on the chest or abdominal tensions or bloating. In addition, massage it when you suffer from spring fatigue, to restart the flow of energy.

Emotionally, this tsubo calms down. It is the Earth point on the meridian of the Liver. This means that Li3 grounds (find a balance between yin and yang) when the Wood energy of spring rises and makes you feel restless. Liver 3 helps to express frustrations in a calm, grounded way, to let them go and transform them into friendliness. Frustrations and anger have a disruptive effect on the circulation of your energy. Letting go of these emotions is a powerful way to balance yourself.

Spiritually, it is connected to your inner eye and the ego. If you feel the need to prove yourself and therefore waste your energy, Liver 3 helps you to let go of this aggression towards yourself and to experience that you are perfect as you are when you do what feels right for you.

Location of Liver 3: between the metatarsals the first and second toe in a cavity about 1.5 cun (pronounced: sun) from the base joint. Cun is a way to display a distance: 1 cun is as wide as the tip of your thumb. Application: give acupressure, or massage with the heel of your other foot. Contra indication: pregnancy.