
Suffering from the heat? Solve it with this tip!

How do you activate your own cooling system? With this simple tip for acupressure, you will suffer less from the heat.

Find the Kidney 1 acupressure point on your sole. This tsubo has the beautiful name "Bubbling Spring". It allows the energy of the Kidneys - the Water element according to the Five Elemental Studies - to flow.

Kidney 1 lies on the sole of your feet, just below the ball of your foot on the centerline.

Both branches of the Kidney Meridian are important, so massage both feet. Kidney Energy gives vitality, zest for life, life force and wisdom. But if you are severely affected by the heat, I recommend massaging the point on your left foot a little extra. This is because the left kidney is connected to Yin energy: cooling, softening, recovery and rest. The right kidney is connected with Yang energy: heat and activity.

Giving some attention and time to the Bubbling Spring on your left foot opens a spring of nourishing and cooling Kidney energy, like a sparkling waterfall flowing up through your body. Enjoy!